Donate Online

Contributions can be made online by clicking the contribute button below.

or Text “2024dmb” to (888) 444-8774

Donate by Mail

To contribute by mail, please make your check payable to:

Deliris Montanez Berrios (DMB)
P.O Box 220863
El Paso, TX 79913

Contribution Rules

Contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

$3,300 maximum contribution per individual, per election. Note: Primary and General Elections are separate elections.

Federal law requires us to obtain and report the name, mailing address and occupation for each individual whose contribution exceeds $50.

Contributions by corporations, foreign nationals (non-green card holders), labor unions and federal government contractors are prohibited. Corporations and individuals are strictly prohibited from reimbursing another person for making a contribution to Deliris “DMB” Montanez Berrios.